Jan 15, 2010

The Horror in Haiti

I am really out of the loop with world news, but I am surprised that it took me until Thursday night to hear about the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti on Tuesday.  My husband and I browsed the internet last night watching footage and news coverage of the tragedy.  I was very troubled and had a hard time sleeping.  When I did sleep, I dreamt that I had a newborn, and I kept forgetting to feed him.  I awoke, relieved it was just a dream.  Unfortunately for some mommies in Haiti, my dream is their reality, not because they forgot, but because they cannot. 

Money Saving Mom is pledging to donate $10 for everyone that blogs about what they have done to help with the disaster relief in Haiti and links up to her site, so I asked Ben if we could donate something.  He was as eager as I was, so we chose Crystal's recommendation of Compassion, International.  We were in agreement with their statement of faith, and they have a long history of Christian charity towards the world's unreached children.

Have you done something to help these poor people who will most certainly be eternally lost if we don't meet their immediate physical needs?  Can I ask you to step out of your comfort zone and give a little?  We gave $25 to help these people.  What can you do?

This post is linked to Money Saving Mom's Help for Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. We're donating $2 per comment (thanks to the help of an anonymous donor!), please come help us reach our goal at
    Thanks for all you're doing!
