Jan 27, 2010

My Newest Enterprise

Ya know, because I didn't have enough to do.  I decided on a whim to sign up on the waiting list for the Nielsen HomeScan program.  It is basically a consumer panel that collects shopping information about us Americans by having representatives (like me!) scan all of the purchases that they make each week and transmit the information to them. 

I signed up, and wouldn't you know, I was accepted right away.  It took a few weeks for my scanner to come in the mail, but it came Friday, and I got it working Tuesday. 

We'll see how this works out.  It didn't take but a few minutes to scan my purchases from Monday night, but it was a light shopping trip. 

Each week that you transmit your purchases, you earn points.  The longer you do it, the more you earn.  You can earn extra points doing surveys and such, but I'm not sure how often those are available.


  1. Hey your scanner is different than mine but it's been fun being a part of the program. I have gotten my system going so well that it doesn't take long to scan even my largest of market shopping trips. Anywho....welcome to the wonderful world of Home scanning!

    ~Mrs. M

  2. I have heard of home scan but have never signed up. Let us know how it goes and if it is profitable!
