Feb 15, 2010

My Baby's Sick and my Baking Failure!

Since Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday, Ben and I agreed to celebrate on Monday.  Our Sundays are jammed full with church and ministries, and we were too tired to exchange cards and enjoy a pleasant meal together.  Today I had grand aspirations of a big baking day and a fancy homemade dinner, a gleaming home and a fresh, beaming housewife to greet her sweetheart.  HA! 

I'm stealing just a fragment of time to share my chaotic day with you.  I know we all have these, so I'm trying to see the humor in this moment.

Grace has been struggling with a cough for a couple of days now, but this morning she woke up with a full blown cold.  She's not eating well, her nose is dripping like a faucet, and she is coughing a very loud, productive cough.  She is very clingy and whiny, and I can't say that I blame her.  Her nose is dripping all over the place, and it seems like I couldn't get to the Kleenex box fast enough.  So I came up with a novel solution:

Kleenex stuffed in the hood of her sweater!  She has no clue it's there, and I always have a Kleenex handy! 

I had a solid three hours while she was napping to get some chores done, so I tackled the laundry and the baking chores.  I'm drying the last load of laundry now, but the baking.... is another story.

I used the last of the muffins for Ben's lunch, so I was due for another monster batch.  I thought I'd be creative and try double chocolate muffins.  Long story short...it's a case of improvising gone very wrong.

I got the recipe from allrecipes.com.  I tried to make them oatmeal double chocolate muffins.  And, of course, I doubled the recipe.  They came out burnt, flat, falling apart, and awful-tasting.  I wasted a bunch of flour, oatmeal, sugar, and the worst... CHOCOLATE CHIPS and DUTCH BAKING CHOCOLATE.

At this point, I'm starting to feel like Grace's potato head creation today.


  1. Aawwhh! you poor thing....im sorry to hear that it's going upside down and twisted today :( will be praying for gracie to get over her cold quickly and hopefully you and ben will be able to spend some quiet time together between the achoos!! sniff!! sniffs!! :) Happy Valentines though!

  2. Love the potatoe head though!!!!!
