Mar 13, 2010

Straight Out of the Camera Saturday!

I love how Grace wrinkles her nose when she's really smiling. 

Pure joy.


Man, I love her.

Sometimes I wonder if I can love another one as much as I love her.  I'm sure I can, but it's more than I can fathom at this point.  I am cherishing the moments we spend together.  It will be such fun with another little one, but these times of undivided attention and individual teaching are wonderful.

Speaking of another one...

March 19, next Friday, my 20 week ultrasound is scheduled.  We're praying for a healthy baby and a good physical report.  We'd love to know the gender as well!

This post is linked to

Slurping Life


  1. You will be amazed at how much love grows to be shared among your first born's siblings. They are so different!! You will wonder, though, how you and your husband can produce such different personalities. Right now you see bits and pieces of each other in Grace. Just wait. Different bits, different pieces and the whole is so much greater than the sum of the parts.

    It's a microcosm of God's love for His children.

  2. Such a cutie. Your love your second will not be the same, but it will be equal and it will be enough ~ it's amazing how much love we have within us :D I have seven now, and each one is adored & admired by me, but each in their own way and for different reasons. Lovely capture of her wrinkly nose :D!!

  3. What an amazing smile! You just can't help but smile back.

  4. children love those laundry baskets with soft clothes inside! She looks really cozy and happy. Happy Saturday!

  5. What a really great smile! :)

  6. Lovely capture.
    Nothing quite like pure and honest joy derived from the simplest things in life.
    Blessings for a safe and healthy pregnancy.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers Jewelz

  7. what a cute charming face this child has
    I sooo know what you mean by this great love for our kiddos

  8. She has a beautiful smile! :D

    Not to worry...You will! What an exciting time for your family. Good luck with your appt. next week.

  9. She is gorgeous with that wrinkly nose smile.
    I love wrinkly nose smiles!

    Congratulations on your new soon to be addition, like your family that will expand so will your heart!

  10. I love wrinkly noses! Too cute!

    Also, you will have so much of a different love for the second baby. You'll wonder where it came from, and how and why it's so different from the first. But you'll never doubt that it is equal and just as amazing as your love for your first child.
