Mar 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Last Saturday, while we were visiting the Sunday School children, I gave Grace some chocolate chip cookies.  Her face was a gooey chocolate mess, so I handed her a wipe to clean her face.  Since she was in the backseat, I let her handle it on her own.  She did her best, then promptly stuffed the wipe in her mouth and fell asleep!   So much for "wordless", but I don't want anyone thinking I was responsible for stuffing her mouth with a diaper wipe. :)

This post is linked to Bringing Moms Together's Wordless Wednesday.


  1. Sweet! Kids, they can sleep with anything!

  2. Oh so funny!!! Many a happy day has ended with my kids asleep in their carseats.

  3. When a child is ready to go to sleep, nothing will stand in their way. Such a sweet photo -- and so many good stories could come from this photo.
