Apr 7, 2010

Dishing out Delight and Disgust!

Allow me to gross you out first, then I'll show you the sweet little olfactory and visual treat I received yesterday.

Last night I was working on my shopping list when I heard running  water coming from the bathroom.  My mind immediately registered two facts: 1) my husband was in the living room, and 2) Grace was NOT.

You know where this is going, don't ya?

I told Ben this was a job for him, but curiosity got the best of me, so I grabbed the camera.  Figured it might be a moment to capture for a future husband.

I'm a good mom like that.

Ben is contemplating his next move, and Grace is trying to anticipate it.

Wanna closer look?

I know you do.

She was baptizing her baby...or bathing her...I think that's why the toilet paper was in there.... I think.

Here's the kicker that made me giggle. In between gagging and grossing out. That little doll had two little words embroidered on her dress.

I thought them most entertaining at this particular moment. 

Oh, isn't she?

Now...onto brighter and more beautiful things.

One of my piano students picked this gorgeous bouquet of daffodils from the woods behind their house.  I'm still drinking in their heavenly beauty.

Aren't they lovely?  They are so fragrant, too!  This made my day, and I hope it helps yours, too.


  1. Very funny! And beautiful flowers!...I am really getting into plants and things now that I have my own house! Yesterday I saw the first tiny sprout of lavender in one cup!

  2. Lol...this was too funny, but you know what came to mind? She might have been potty training her dolly and wiping her with tp! Just a thought. The flowers are beautiful!! I love the color.

  3. lol, That hasn't happened in my house yet and I am waiting ! I am sure my turn is coming :-)
    Your flowers are beautiful !
    Follow me @ the3bishops.blogspot.com

  4. I keep coming back to see this picture, I love it! I love the way gracie is standing by the door like if she's waiting to see what dad thinks about her floating dolly...I just can imagine her face :)

  5. Lol! She is a cutie though. The daffodils are beautiful!

  6. That is so funny! I guess that's what I have to look forward too... :)

  7. Grandpa said at least she didnt' try to flush!

  8. I'm your newest followerand I love this post. So typical of sweet little ones to put things in the toilet...so cure. I love the flowers, they make me smile as I live in the mountains and today was our first day without snow! Thanks for making me smile today:)
