Oct 15, 2010

This Week's Peek

For some reason, I didn't take many pictures this week.

I made a homemade card for my in-law's anniversary, so I had Grace pose for this shot.  After 552 shots of her head down, the sign backwards, sideways, or any direction but up, I finally bribed her with candy like any good mom would, and I got this shot on the next try.  Go figure.
On another note, as further evidence of my fine parenting skills, I forgot to brush her teeth this morning, so her teeth are as orange as a jack o' lantern.

Grace put her doll on the bed next to Sissy to take a nap, and I did a double take when I walked past the bedroom.  They looked like twins laying there on the bed!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute!! I love the doll by your sweet little one:)
