Jan 17, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - January 17

The menu plan has definitely been a real help to my daily schedule.  This may seem like a bit of irony, but taking the 15 minutes or so to loosely plan the week's meals gives me such freedom the rest of the week!  In the morning, I determine which of my dinner choices I will prepare for that evening, and I get the meat or other ingredients out of the freezer to thaw.  No more last-second dashes to thaw out the frozen meat in the microwave as the clock strikes 4:30 p.m.!

Grace pretending that she is playing the violin like grandma--
with a hacksaw and hammer!

Oatmeal with cranberries x 3 (it's a current favorite with Grace right now!)
Peanut Butter Banana Shakes with toast
Scrambled eggs with cheese

Sloppy Joe Sandwiches
Spaghetti noodles with Parmesan
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Tuna Salad Sandwiches

Pan-fried Pork Chops with Cranberry Mandarin Lettuce Salad
French Toast with homemade cherry sauce and Smoothies
Sirloin Steak with Garlic Sauce
Angel hair pasta and spaghetti sauce with bread sticks and broccoli
Spinach Quiche with bacon and fruit--Thanks, Paula Deen!

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday.


  1. I hear what your saying, it's amazing how a little planning, even if it's just the dinner menu, makes daily life so much easier. Your menu looks yummy. Have a great week :)


  2. I think I am coming to your house for dinner this week--sounds yummy--except for maybe the spinach thing:) Ohhh...I think you need to get Grace a real violin--looks like she is ready!

  3. I agree that menu plans are very necessary. I spend about an hour every other week planning for 2 weeks. I don't know what we would do if I didn't have a menu plan. When 4:30 rolls around, and I am in the midst of homework and children, and I just can't think, it sure is nice to look at the menu and say "Oh! That's what we are having today."

    You have a lovely blog.
