Jun 6, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - June 6

The new elephant crossing at the Cleveland Zoo on Memorial Day
Healthy Banana Shakes x 2
Cranberry Oatmeal x 3
Eggs, Toast x 2

Fish Sticks, Carrots, Pretzels
PBJ sandwich, pretzels, apple slices x 2
Hot Dog, pickle x 2
Ham and Cheese Roll-up, watermelon
McDonald's (play at the indoor playground)

Cheeseburgers on wheat buns, pickles, Best Potato Fries
Crock-Pot Sloppy Joes on wheat buns, Pecan Rice, watermelon
Rump Roast, baked potatoes, peas
Ben's Favorite Meat Loaf, lettuce salad
Denver Omelets, Fruit Salad
Grilled Cheese and Ham, Deviled Eggs, Broccoli


  1. Nice picture of you all! Grace looks grumpy, though!:o))

  2. It was blazing, and I mean blazing, hot. She was hot and tired; gratefully, she wasn't grumpy. She had a ball at the zoo, plus Grandma and Grandpa were there--an extra special blessing!
