Oct 5, 2011

David's Sling {Play Acting}

Grace is highly imaginative, and she loves to role play.  Yesterday, I read the story of David and Goliath in our devotions, and she kept begging to do "something fun" so we made our own sling.

I just took some scrap fabric and we colored it with markers.  Markers and scissors are still pretty high chips on the bargaining table, so I won huge mommy points with this.

I cut away the outer two strips, cut the middle strip into thirds, and braided it.

We used the cut away pieces to make a head scarf like the pictures of David in her Bible story book showed.

We used a pinecone for the stone.  I didn't want any broken windows or gashed body parts.

Grace just projected the pinecone in this shot, hence the "Whoa!" face.  I would show you a picture of Goliath, but it's difficult to take a self-photo when you're lying face down on the floor. :)

She insisted on posing like this for a picture.  Apparently, she was role-playing something else she had seen...

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! Wish I could have seen her! I'll bet she was hilarious!:o)
