Jan 19, 2012

How I Got Free Diapers

Yesterday, I knew it was going to be a good day.

The sun was shining.  For that reason alone, it was going to be a good day.

But it got better.  First, my daughter ate her breakfast without the usual tears and excuses that accompany breakfast.  I never knew Cocoa Puffs could be so tragic.

Then, my mother-in-law came.  She usually comes on Wednesdays for a little tete-a-tete with the girls, and I run for the door.  Don't get me wrong.  I wouldn't trade being a stay-at-home mom for any amount of money, but a few hours of selfish "me time" makes me a better mom.  I assure you, it does.

Third, my hair looked fabulous.  What?! It did.  And all I did was comb it.  Don't tell me a good hair day doesn't make your world a little brighter.

Lastly, I got a jumbo package of Huggies diapers for free.  Flat-out-didn't-pay-a-dime-FREE.

So, it went like this.  I walked into Giant Eagle, and as usual, there were a few carts near the entrance with clearanced miscellany therein.  I zeroed in on three packages of diapers, Huggies Little Movers no less, in one of the carts.  They were those most ridiculous denim diapers, but hey, if the price is cheap enough, my kid can soil them just as well as the regular ones.  They were marked down to $7.49--cheap, but not jump-in-my-cart cheap.  However, I did have a couple $2 coupons that made them a good deal.  Only one package was a size 3; the others were size 5--a size I don't ever anticipate my petite Leah ever filling.

They jumped in my cart.

I got to checkout, and I was a bit bummed because my total was $34.78--a bit more than I had guesstimated.  That left me with just $25 for next week.  I paid, was walking out the door reviewing my receipt, when BAM!

My receipt says "Huggies Little Movers...........$9.99"

Um...that's not $7.49. I scan the rest of the receipt to verify that there was no price adjustment after they scanned my Advantage card.  Nope.

I make a beeline for the friendly customer service where I had just been, requesting 4 (that's right, FOUR) rainchecks.  I pretend not to notice as the nice cashier winces slightly as I step up.

I explain my problem, and without any hesitation, she scans my diapers, hands me $10.87 and says, "Have a good day!"

Oh, I will.  You bet your bottom dollar I will.

Wanna know why I got them for free?  Giant Eagle like many other grocery retailers, has an Accu-Scan Policy.  Essentially, if the price of an item rings up higher than advertised or marked, then the first item is free, and all others purchased  in that transaction will be rung up at the lower price.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE days like those! Congrats! Besides our family website I now have a blog of my own. Hope you can check it out!! (www.simplybeingkari.blogspot.com)
