Mar 15, 2012

Girl's Tutu Skirt {A Tutorial}

Grace is all about princesses and ballerinas right now.  She has been asking me for a poufy skirt, so yesterday during their nap I sewed this up.  It took about 2 hours, but I wasn't being super precise or meticulous.

Supplies for a size 3 tutu skirt:
Fabric: 60" x 19" rectangle (I cut up an old sheet!)
Tulle: 120" x 48" width of the bolt (I have an entire bolt of tulle from my wedding 7 years ago.)
1" wide Elastic: 20" (or measure of the child's waist minus one inch)

  • Cut tulle in half length wise; if the tulle was folded in half on the bolt, just cut along the fold line.  You'll end up with two rectangles approximately 120" x 24".  
  • Fold 1 tulle rectangle in half length wise; you will end up with a doubled piece measuring 120" x 12".
  • Sew a basting stitch along the entire length of the selvages (the open side, not the folded side) and gather till the rectangle measures 60" x 12".  
  • Pin to fabric rectangle so bottom of tulle and fabric are even and sew. (see photo below)
  • Cut remaining tulle rectangle length wise into two more rectangles, measuring 120" x 15" and 120" x 9".
  • Fold each rectangle in half length wise, sew a basting stitch along the length of the selvage, and gather till the length is 60".  One doubled rectangle will measure 7.5" wide, the other will measure 4.5" wide.
  • Pin and sew the gathered 7.5" wide rectangle one inch above the previous tulle layer.
  • Pin and sew the gathered 4.5" wide rectangle one inch above the second tulle layer.
  • With right sides facing, sew the tulle and fabric rectangle along the width.
  • Fold down the top of the skirt 1.5", forming a casing.  Leave open an inch or so to thread the elastic.
  • Thread the elastic through the casing, sew the elastic together, sew shut the opening in the casing.

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