Jun 2, 2012

Memorial Day Merriment

My folks spent a lovely five days in town over the Memorial Day weekend.  Ben and Dad slaved away on our car two of those days, but we did do some gadding about.

First we attended a short but wonderful Memorial Day service at the cemetery just west of our house.  Very moving.  Seriously, Ben and I both cried during the service.  I loved that they ended the speaking service with a prayer to God, the Giver of life.   The speaker asked God to bless our country with righteousness. Amen.  It was faith-affirming to hear a public prayer offered in a service like that.

The girls did really well, but Grace was not thrilled with the gun salute.

The bugler played the Taps and the piper soloed Amazing Grace.

We then visited the USS COD, a WWII-era submarine docked at Lake Erie.  This was an amazing tour back in time.  The sub was left essentially untouched from its touring days, so it was a great hands-on exhibit.

 Real-live sailors!

Unfortunately, Leah was done before the tour was done.

Posing with the big gun atop the sub. 

We then high-tailed our way over to some church friends' house for a Memorial Day cookout lunch and fellowship.  We had a relaxing but hot time.  We wilted in between the occasional breezes, but strawberry lemonade and watermelon saved the day.  Somehow I managed to not take any pictures while we were there!

We then drove to Crocker Park, a yuppie outdoor mall, where we met Ben's parents and had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  Ben and I shared a slice of Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake.  Divine.

I thought it was kinda cool that we had both sets of parents together.  A little Norman Rockwell-ish, eh?

In the mall midway, they had an oversized chess game.  Grace was disturbed by the overturned chess pieces, so she set to work tidying the game up. OCD, perhaps?

It was a memory-filled day of fun and yet gratitude for those who gave up so much that we might enjoy it.  How has life been for you?  Did you have a nice holiday?


  1. Love it! If Drew had been there he would have helped Grace pick up. :) Definitely OCD! ;)

    1. Maybe it's the age, but she must have a napkin at the table, and she LOUDLY complains about people who litter in public. Kids are such a riot!

  2. The Cod is always so much fun! I've been there about three or four times in my life--going up and down that ladder is always a lot of fun!

    1. Ummmm, yep! Just as long as your skirt isn't tooooo full! :) Honestly, it was a blast.

  3. Looks like so much fun! We had a great weekend too while we ate all things American for dinner: hamburgers, mac-n-cheese, and apple pie for dessert. Oh yes, and french fries!

    1. Ah, sounds so good! Especially that apple pie!

  4. It was a lovely day!

    I had Dunkin' Donuts with Esther (!!!!) and Neema. Shopping with Carol. Then, lunch with my grandparents, aunt, parents, and brother.

    Love the pictures!!

    1. So jealous of your coffee date! Don't you love memorable days like that? So glad you were able to be with family and friends!
