Nov 8, 2010

I Think I Can, I Think I Can--I Did!

Saturday I ran a 5K race here in our hometown.  Back in June, when I was 8 months pregnant, I saw a pamphlet about this race.  Knowing that I would need all the incentive possible to help me lose my baby weight, I mentioned it to my husband as something I would like to accomplish.  I made a New Year's goal of finishing out the year weighing less than I started, so I'm really trying hard to keep that one.  Ben was as excited about the race as I was, and eventually we conned 4 other runners to join us!

So six weeks postpartum, I started training.  Let me just tell you, running is totally contrary to the ol' flesh.  I hated it.  At the same time, it was so rewarding to strive for a goal and then reach it.  Honestly, I really haven't seen the scale dip drastically, but I can certainly see and feel the change in my clothes.

This is a pre-run group photo.  That's why I still look human.

The temperature was hovering in the high 30's, and we had gotten a light snowfall the night before, so there was still snow on the grass!  I didn't mind the cold once I got going, as it actually felt good when I was sucking for air!

Amazingly, I knocked 5 minutes off my best run and finished it in 32:50. Woo-hoo.  Ben finished in 30:08.  My dad beat me by 11 seconds--nothing like getting beat by your 58 year old dad!  My brother had an impressive finish of 34 minutes.  The other two fellas are from our church, and they finished in 21 and 22 minutes.  The overall winner ran the race in just 15 minutes--that still amazes me!

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