I started labor in earnest on Saturday morning about 3 a.m., and we left for the hospital about 9 a.m. I was 5 or 6 cm upon arrival, and at 5:30 p.m. I finally reached 10 cm. Leah entered the world an hour later, and I was so thankful to have achieved a natural childbirth experience. The midwife and nurse were awesome, and made me feel so good for having successfully "VBACed." She weighed in at 7 lb. 11 oz. and measured 20 inches long. Praise the Lord!
We had a terrible time settling on a name, but Sunday night about 10:30 p.m., we decided on Leah Jean.
She doesn't appear to have any bowel obstructions, and she has been having regular bowel movements. What a praise! It was such an amazing experience to come home with a 2-day old baby. I have been enjoying every moment of this normal newborn experience.
She is just 3 or 4 hours old here, and she was so alert!
If I look tired, it's because I am... this picture was also taken about 3 or 4 hours after the birth.
Snuggle time with daddy
My parents came to help out with the transition...grandma is doing double time here and loving every minute of it!
Grandpa was busy fixing things around the house, and Grace is busy helping him finish off his Diet Coke.
Grace was none too sure about this "big sister" thing, but she is adjusting well. She loves to give hugs and kissies to her baby sissy, "Lela".
11 lovely comments:
Beautiful pictures. The baby is adorable, especially with mom/dad & gramma/grampa.
Congrats! She is soooooooo beautiful!
Congratulations! How exciting for you! A new baby is a wonderful experience every time! Enjoy the time, she'll grow up so fast (as you know with Gracie)!
So precious!
Beautiful! Take care and enjoy every moment--you know, when you aren't exhausted!
Congratulations!! She is beautiful! I love her name.
YAYAYAYAYAY! So happy for you Apes! Is it amazing how grown up your first "baby" seems? She looks so big compared to baby Leah :) I bet she'll do just fine as big sista! Leah is too precious. I love the picture with you holding her. Yes you look exhausted (way to go on natural and VBACed)but their is also that sweet look of being a mommy again in your eyes. Love ya!
Hi April,
So glad that everything went well and that little Leah is doing well. She is absolutely dear. Wish I could get my hands on her. :-) Give her a hug for me. ;-)
April, She's beautiful! Congratulations!
She is so sweet! Congratulations!!
Congratulations!! She is absolutely adorable!! It so makes me want to have another one :( I hope life is happy with the new addition and praise God that she is a happy and healthy little girl.
God Bless,
Beautiful family pictures. Adorable!
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