Sep 18, 2009

PopTarts vs. Homemade Muffins

If you know my Ben, you know he has a sweet tooth. In the 3 and a half years since we have been married, he has been taking PopTarts to work for breakfast almost every single one of those days. PopTarts are convenient, yummy, but expensive. I try to stock up when they are on sale, but in the last few days, I ran out. They are on sale this week with a coupon for $1.40, so I thought I'd do a little price comparison. I made homemade blueberry muffins with frozen blueberries I had purchased at Aldi for 99 cents per clamshell. That's stinkin' cheap. Anyways, I have run the numbers below for your viewing enjoyment:

$1.40/12 pack = $.23 per serving (1 wrapped package-2 PopTarts)

Homemade Blueberry or Chocolate Chip Muffins
*all prices are based on what I have recently paid for these staples unless it says estimated*
1.33 cups flour = $.12 based on 5 lb. bag for $1.67
.75 cup oatmeal = $.04 based on 18 oz. canister for $.38
.33 cup sugar = $.06 based on 5 lb. bag for $1.90
2 t. bkg powder = $.05 based on 10 oz. can for $1.50 (estimated)
1 egg = $.06 based on dozen eggs for $.75
.75 cup milk = $.09 based on gallon for $1.98
.25 cup oil = $.11 based on 48 oz. bottle for $2.50 (estimated)
1 cup add-in = $.50 based on clamshell for $.99 or 12 oz. bag chips for $1

Total cost for a dozen muffins = $1.03
Individual muffin cost = $.086
Ben's serving size (2 muffins) = $.172

Price PopTarts must be to beat homemade muffins = $.69 for 8 pack or $1.03 for 12 pack

Looks like Ben will be getting muffins for breakfast at least until we're rich and famous! :)

3 lovely comments:

The Prudent Homemaker said... Best Blogger Tips

That's a great price comparison. I love Poptarts, but they don't fill me up, and they're pricy!

Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

Great post.
I am not a fan of PopTarts.. so this makes my choice not to have PopTarts even easier!!!

Live Free ~ Love Free. said... Best Blogger Tips

With so many great muffin recipes floating around, and so many great muffins featuring fall flavors, who would want the pop tart! Plus most muffins can be made ahead, frozen and thawed without altering the texture.