Jan 23, 2010

January is Nearly Over?! Grocery Budget 01/17-01/23

I spent $8.88 on this Giant Eagle trip.  I used a $25 Giant Eagle giftcard that was given to us, so my total is artificially deflated.  Everything was on sale except the milk, flour and oranges.  The smoothie mix I got with a free coupon, the dishwasher detergent was $1.19 after a $2.50 coupon, the eggs were $1, the oatmeal was $.50 each with coupon and sale, the rice cakes were $.17 with coupon, and the Old El Paso rice was $.25 with coupon.  The cheese is 1 lb. packages, and I paid $21 for all 6, but I got $17 in catalinas back!  I essentially paid $4 for 6 lbs. of Kraft cheese.  Whoot-woot!

That cheese sale was too hard to resist, so I went back for a re-run.  I paid $5.66 for 6 lbs. of cheese, 2 sweet onions, and a green pepper.  (I was hungry for fajitas, and I needed the green pepper and onions!)

I had some about-to-expire ExtraCare Bucks, and Ben needed batteries, so I spent $4.28 on these items out of pocket.  I used $11.79 in ECBs, and I earned $5 more in ECBs.

A friend picked up some flour and milk at Aldi's for me.  The milk and flour cost me $4.69.

Weekly Total: $23.51
Monthly Total: $84.27
Monthly Budget: $160 with $75.73 remaining!

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